Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Crazy Summers

So we thought the school year was busy...then summer vacation hit! We started off with Lindsey's graduation from 8th grade...a wonderful celebration as they close the chapter of middle school and head into the wild world of high school! Along with the end of school also came a few good- byes for each of the girls. Not one of the nicer parts of an expat life - the constant flux of people as they move back home or continue on to different countries. We already have Megan planning to spend the October holiday in Japan with her friend Gillian.
Graduation night the University of Arkansas team arrived...very fun to be surrounded by a bunch of college kids so in love with the Lord! They loved on our kids (named themselves Team Joseph) and served at the Shanghai Healing Home (home to cleft lip/palette orphans). They stayed for 6 days and then headed off for 6 more weeks into the depths of China. They will return later this month for some final work with the healing home and also Home Sweet Home (for disabled adults) before having a few days of fun in Shanghai before heading home.
We had an ABSOLUTELY marvelous month with Maggie Morrison - a trip to Beijing, the girls serving at the Shepherds Field Village (private home for 75 orphans outside Beijing), lots of Shanghai sight-seeing, a trip to the peasant painting village and many funny & random pictures & videos!
In the midst of it all, Kelly & Lindsey headed back to Arkansas for a sweet 2 months! And as of last week, Andy, all the girls and even Joseph joined them! Now they are enjoying a Thielman family reunion at the Outer Banks - clear skies, fresh air, the beach...what could be better (unless I was there with them too!)