Monday, September 17, 2012

15 Wildly Wonderful Years

Last weekend we celebrated our wonderful Lindsey as she turned 15!!  Given that quality time is one of Lindsey's love languages we decided to make a day of her celebration...started with foot massages for Andy & Lindsey after church on Saturday night (somewhat relaxing, unless it tickles too much!).  Sunday morning after some coffee cake, Megan, Lindsey & I headed off to cooking school!  We made Shanghai Fried Noodles, Stir Fry Veggie Greens and Salt & Pepper Ribs.  The chef didn't actually speak English (despite what the website said!) but cooking appears universal and we were able to follow his directions.  A few lessons learned - the Chinese cook with oil and a lot of it!  Also (and we have noticed this in restaurants) they don't use black pepper, but use white pepper.  So we would cook the dish with our desired amount of white pepper and the 'cooking chef' would then add lots more pepper!  It was fun and the dishes were good - now we just have to try and repeat them at home!  Next on the schedule was a manicure/pedicure treat for Lindsey and I before heading home for a little comfort of home - White Chicken Chili (still one of our favorites Anita!) and pumpkin bread!  And finally 15 candles on cupcake with the Eiffel Tower!  (Lindsey's latest desire is to go to Paris after graduation...seeing that her sisters went to Italy, Africa and had a road trip around China we are thinking Paris is definitely a possibility!)

So it was a wonderful celebration day of an absolutely wonderful daughter!  We are so blessed!

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Not sure if after dropping Kelly off to college Andy & I were really ready for this, but Joseph started pre-school this week!  We were the first ones to show up Wednesday morning (really hard to judge traffic with rush hour!) so we stayed and played and talked with his teacher Ms. Katie until some other kids arrived.  Then we told Joseph it was time for school and we would be back soon.  At this point he got up from the kitchen set as we started to walk away and simply said "Wait for me, I'm coming".  So we tried to have the new teacher help distract him with the fish tank but shortly after leaving the room we hear him running down the hall after us (arms flailing in the air!).  I pick him up and immediately start crying (yes a little emotionally unstable still!) and look for Andy - who is already down in the lobby area putting on his shoes (because he is upset too and trying to make the quick exit!)...but he sees me and knows I can't take Joseph back to his room.  So Andy successfully transitions Joseph to the experienced teacher who engages him in a book and we leave.  He has fully loved every day - no issues at drop off since (for him or us!) and totally engaged in playing when it is time to go home!  

 His school is brand new and designed to be integrated special needs/non-special needs and is called SHINE Academy.  Joseph goes for half days 5 days a week (at least this is the base plan.)  His class consists of 4 other kids - ages 2.5 to 4.5.  His teacher is Ms. Katie and seems wonderful.  Let's just say on his first day she sent home an 11 page powerpoint individualized for each child to journal their day (and he is only there for 3 hours!) and each day after has sent multiple pictures along with an email of what he has done & enjoyed.  Friday she let Joseph use her camera and he took 135 pictures for her!

Next week the school is closed on Wednesday already because they are shutting down electricity for the entire building (we just don't ask questions!) but we are thinking we might like this schedule - two days of school, a day off, then two more days.  Not sure we are ready for him to go to school EVERY day or ready to give up the Andy & Joseph time that they have each morning either!

First one in college and last one in pre-school within two weeks of each has been all good (although emotionally exhausting!)