Sunday, October 28, 2012

Green Spaces

So while the air quality wasn't the greatest this weekend (as you can tell from the picture of the kids by the lake!), we had a number of outdoor activities to keep us busy.   For starters Abigail, Joseph, Zoe and I (Andy was sick all weekend so he is noticeably missing!) went to Century Park.  We were hoping to play some soccer...but all of the grass spaces were roped off (yes that's right a park where we can't walk on the grass - green

spaces to look at, not play on!).  So we bought some bubbles and let Zoe have some fun shooting up about 300 pictures (thank goodness for digital cameras!).  One sight you will just about always
see at the park is a bride getting her picture taken...this time Zoe captured it (and runs back to me screaming "Mom, I got her picture and she's beautiful!"...cute but not very subtle!).  Tradition is that ~4-5 months before the wedding the bride/groom go to a bridal picture studio...they have their picture taken in about 5 different wedding dresses/tuxedos out & about in the city.  So you have a bunch of wedding pictures, in a bunch of different dresses, none which are the one you wear for the wedding - kind of funny!

Saturday night our girls scouts went style!  Lots of tents set up on the school soccer field - surrounded by all the city buildings!  Very fun with games, skits, songs, s'mores cooked over a fire pit, and eggs cooked in a baggie in boiling water for breakfast!  Oh...and our house was really quiet for the night!

One hour after the girl scouts vacated the soccer field, the Shanghai Ultimate Frisbee Association took over for their day long Halloween Hat tournament.  With Lindsey dressed as superman and Megan as a nerd, they joined up with this mainly adult league (plus their normal Sunday Concordia frisbee friends) and played hard all day!  They are both sore tonight - which is probably nothing to how they will feel tomorrow!

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